Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Project Wisdom
A Youth Empowerment Program

An Initiative of
‘The English Academy’, 
305-Helix Complex, Nr. Hotel Kansar,
Sayajigunj, Vadodara-390 005  

(M) 88666 80407, 97279 19756
E-mail: englishacademybaroda@gmail.com

Dear Sir/Madam
Project Wisdom
(A Youth Empowerment Program by ’The English Academy‘)

A recent article in ‘The Times of India’ raises a very important question for students:

Is academic excellence a true measure of one's success in life?   It further goes on to say that: High Marks May Not Guarantee Success.   

It is because teaching process in our schools & colleges focuses on preparing students for scoring high marks in the examinations. But; high marks do not guarantee greater success in life. It is because we need many other qualities besides high academic performance to achieve greater success. Qualities like a person’s total personality, communication skills, positive attitude, time management & general outlook towards life in fact play more important role.

But; as majority of educational institutes focus on high academic performance, most of the students when they leave their educational institutes lack these skills.

With this in mind, ‘The English Academy’ has started a project called Project Wisdom’ specifically targeted at young professionals to enable them to widen their mindset, develop various soft skills & also improve their interpersonal skills for their overall development. Under this project, we conduct specially designed industry specific training programs for young professional.

Details of our flagship program ‘Project Wisdom’ follow. I urge you to take benefit of this youth empowerment program to empower your executives so that they are well prepared for the challenges which lie ahead of them, improve their effectiveness & become a great asset to the company.

Our charges for conducting this program in your institute excluding all expenses is @ Rs. 4,500/- per module. If you decide to go for all eight modules; our charges excluding all expenses will be Rs. 30,000/- only. Two programs can be conducted in one day.

You are welcome to contact me on 88666 80407 or write to me at englishacademybaroda@gmail.com for further information about this project.

With kind regards,
Your’s sincerely,                                                      

 (Sarwan Singh)
(M) 88666 80407)

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