Monday, March 10, 2014

Shine Under Stress-How to Face Exams

(How to Prepare for Exams)
In This Program You Will Learn: How to Prepare for Exams; How to take the Exam; & How to overcome Nervousness. Despite adequate preparation, many students feel pre - exam stress & anxiety. This is normal. Some stress will help you to stay motivated for proper preparation. But, excessive stress can seriously interfere in proper preparation. To Succeed in Examinations you don’t need much luck. Like everybody else, you also have same chance of doing equally well in examination. You need Proper Study Techniques; Perseverance; Time Management; Motivation; & Proper Revision Techniques.

How to Prepare or Exams
How to Study
1.     Make a time table for all daily activities like reading, eating, sleeping, recreation etc.
2.     Don’t study for 24 hours daily. This decreases efficiency & capacity to retain.
3.     Don’t study beyond your normal limits of concentration.
4.     Know if you are an am person or a pm person   & make your time table accordingly
5.     Start study after collecting everything you will need to study. Don’t get up in between.
6.     Devote at least two weeks to each subject.
7.     Short & regular study periods are more   productive than single long session.
8.     Eat well balanced diet & drink lot of fluids.
9.      Don’t take much tea/coffee. It causes disorientation of thought process.
10.    Don’t study same subject for long time.
11.    Don’t keep shaking. Sit erect in a comfortable chair.

How to Remember
1.     Identify your weak areas; if need be get outside help.
2.     Understanding is a vital aid to learning & remembering.
3.     Review your progress systematically
4.     Use SQ3R Technique for better learning.  SQ3R means:
                      i.        Survey (Scan through your notes & text)
                     ii.        Question (What was the topic about)
                    iii.        Read ( Try to answer your questions, make notes)
                     iv.        Recite (Answer the question without your notes)
                      v.        Review (Re-read your notes whenever you can)
& As the Day Approaches (one day/night before the Exam)
1.     Don’t study excessively day before the exam
2.     Do some relaxing & have a good night sleep
3.     Pack your material the night before.

Examination Room strategies
1.     Don’t take your notes to the Test Center.
2.     Further revision will make you more anxious.
3.     Immediately prior to the exam, don’t discuss your preparations with your friends
4.     Read question carefully & understand what answers are expected.
5.     Allot time to each question depending upon the marks
6.     Make planning notes for each question before you actually start writing answers.
7.     Use 20:70:10 formula attempt the paper
-20% time for planning
-70% time for writing
-10% time for revising
8.     Leave harder questions to the last
9.     Keep a watch on the watch
10.     Write neatly & quickly
11.     Start new question from new page.
12.     Don’t spend more than allotted time on any question even if it is incomplete.
13.     Always revise the paper.
14.      Un attempted questions get no marks; answer all the questions.
15.     Don’t panic if you forget a point.  It is will occur to you later. Answer new question.
16.     Do not spend extra time on any question trying score perfectly. 

After the exam
1.     Don’t do exam postmortem. It will cause panic for next paper.
2.     Assume that you have done well & start thinking about next paper.
3.     Avoid negative thoughts.
4.      Leave exam site as early as possible.
5.     If time permits, spend rest of the day by doing something relaxing

How to Overcome Fear
Symptoms of Fear
1.     Tightness in chest/mouth
2.     Dry mouth
3.     Sweating palms.
4.     Breathlessness
5.     Lack of energy
6.     Absentmindedness

If You Get Sudden Attack of Panic
1.     Breathe deeply & slowly.
2.     Clenching & un clenching fists also relieves tension.
3.     Besides; have some water.
4.      Maintain good body posture.
5.     Remember Oxygen is food of the brain
6.     Practice Auto /Suggestion/visualization Technique
7.     Believe in Yourself. You are as good as anybody else!
8.     However, there is no substitute to thorough preparation to overcome your fears

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