Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Project Wisdom
A Youth Empowerment Program

An Initiative of
‘The English Academy’,
305-Helix Complex, Nr. Hotel Kansar,
Sayajigunj, Vadodara-390 005  

(M) 88666 80407, 97279 19756
E-mail: englishacademybaroda@gmail.com

Dear Sir/Madam
Project Wisdom
(A Youth Empowerment Program by ’The English Academy‘)

A recent article in ‘The Times of India’ raises a very important question for students:

Is academic excellence a true measure of one's success in life?   It further goes on to say that: High Marks May Not Guarantee Success.   

It is because teaching process in our schools & colleges focuses on preparing students for scoring high marks in the examinations. But; high marks do not guarantee greater success in life. It is because we need many other qualities besides high academic performance to achieve greater success. Qualities like a person’s total personality, communication skills, positive attitude, time management & general outlook towards life in fact play more important role.

But; as majority of educational institutes focus on high academic performance, most of the students when they leave their educational institutes lack these skills.

With this in mind, ‘The English Academy’has started a project called Project Wisdom’ specifically targeted at teenage students & faculties to enable them to widen their mindset, develop various soft skills & also improve their interpersonal skills for their overall development.

Under this project, we conduct training programs for students and also faculties. A few workshops of this program are free.

Details of our flagship program ‘Project Wisdom’ & the list of workshops for students & faculties follow. I urge you to take benefit of this youth empowerment program to empower your students so that they are well prepared for the challenges which lie ahead of them & your faculties are also well prepared to help them in this task.

You are welcome to contact me on 88666 80407 or write to me at englishacademybaroda@gmail.com for any further information you may require.

With kind regards,
Your’s sincerely,                                                      

 (Sarwan Singh)
(M) 88666 80407)

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